Hartland Butchery


079 896 7134  |  071 360 5297

Karoo Biltong

Butchery & Other

023 551 1619

Tankwa Butchery


079 866 8550

Karoo Butcher


023 004 0731

Laingsburg Car Wash

Car Cleaning

Hair by Gwynnith

Hair Salon

063 983 1456

R.K. Steel Work


072 742 4254

OK Foods Laingsburg

General Store

023 551 1012

Modern Trading Store

General Store

023 551 1008

KOUP Produsente

General Store

023 551 1083

Engen 1Stop & Wimpy

Fuel, Restaurant & ABSA ATM

023 551 1020

Shell Select & Steers

Fuel, Restaurant & FNB ATM

023 551 1550

Caltex Garage & Takeaway

Fuel & Takeaways

023 551 1751

Karoo Motors

Car Maintenance

023 551 1094

Karoo Bande/Tyres

Tyre Repair

084 084 9245  |  072 420 0694

Liquor Lodge

Liquor Sales

Lenie's Kitchen

Baking and Ready-Made Home Cooked Food 

084 908 2386

Stasie6 - Jhaimes Enterprises (PTY LTD)

Relaxation and Catering Services

072 159 6340


Hanosha Plaaskombuis

072 234 1400

082 771 5699